A Woman's Choice | Abortion Clinics
Charlotte NC, Greensboro NC, Raleigh NC, Jacksonville FL

Procedural Abortion Care



Abortion by D&E (Dilation and Evacuation) is one of the safest and most commonly performed procedures in the United States. State laws in Florida and North Carolina require two in-person visits for abortion care. On the first visit, you will have vitals taken, labs, and ultrasound, and receive state-mandated counseling. You can expect to be in the clinic for less than 2 hours. On the second visit, you will have your procedural abortion and should expect to be in our office for approximately 4 to 6 hours.

Abortion Care Procedure

Similar to any other doctor’s visit, your vitals will be taken, and some lab work will be done to determine your blood type. Your ultrasound will tell us the gestation (length) of your pregnancy. You will attend an informational session to review the abortion procedure and how to take care of yourself when you return home. If you are interested, we will offer birth control information for future planning. This is a great time to ask questions. If you wish to speak privately to a counselor, just let us know.

You will change into a gown and have a seat in our surgical waiting room. You have TV and magazines available as well as relaxing adult pictures to color. You may want to read through the patient journals that include stories, suggestions, and support written by former patients. Please add your own thoughts for those who come after you.

Some patients will be given extra medications and our nurse will watch over you. When called in for your abortion, you will be attended to by your doctor and two medical assistants who will guide you through your procedure. The procedural abortion procedure by D&E (dilation and evacuation) consists of the gradual dilation (opening) of the cervix and the use of gentle vacuum aspiration to empty the contents of the uterus.

Ongoing Birth Control

If you would like to begin or continue the birth control pills you began with us after your abortion, we will schedule your appointment. After the first year, you must have a current, normal-results Pap smear to renew your prescription.

I loved how you explained every step of the process and I extra loved the sedation medicine. Helped me feel really relaxed!

After Your Procedural Abortion

The recovery period is an essential part of your procedure. After the abortion, you will rest in comfortable recliners in our recovery room for 30-60 minutes, as needed and directed by your doctor.

Your vital signs will be monitored and you will be given a beverage and a snack. Our RN will review your take-home packet, including medications and what to expect once home. Upon request, we will provide you with a birth control prescription.

A member of our medical staff is on call 24 hours a day for questions or concerns. You will receive information about when and how to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.